Thursday, October 11, 2012

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 troops holed up in Long Island, the Te Moda near the beachhead on the 5th Marine Brigade to provide supplies, our military has adopted a strategy of eye opening the eyes closed, only to fight out a few boats, to let Vietnamese troops blocked with coalition naval forces are insufficient, of course, let alone attack it.
Now, the stone is Major General command post with Zhuang Mu Panji will be watching the fighting, the Cambodian Army Fleet Commander Rear Admiral Lang Sali scheduled to follow the coalition amphibious fleet attack from the now been renamed as Rao Shimin colonel, commander of the naval fleet command of the fleet, the Shen Zhonghui Colonel speedboat detachment strength is also very impressive, in addition to the four corvettes, three newly seized In addition to the landing craft captured three Cambodian military landing ship carrying 500 Cambodian army marines,mlb jersey. 4,000 officers and men of the Marine Division will be the first implementation of a large-scale amphibious operations of our military abroad, their goal is to Vietnamese troops occupied Phu Quoc Island.
The amphibious scale is bigger than that of 50 years ago liberation Yijiangshan Island. But the style is completely different. The battle plan drawn up by the Volunteers Command Division 2 is determined in accordance with the opponent, to raid the sky. The newspaper did not build massive fortifications on the island, mainly air defense,oakley dispatch sunglasses, has four anti-aircraft artillery positions, punishable the SA2 improved and SA6 based air defense missile

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